Yes, Mr. Mitchell: (Mr. Mitchell Book One) Read online

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  “Great. I’ll talk to you soon.” The line went dead before I could tell him the same. Pick my own TA? I specifically asked him to handle that task because it was something I didn’t want to deal with. I glanced back over my first class list and ran my finger across Nicole’s name. Nicole Swanson.

  I knew I couldn’t do it, that I couldn’t choose her. I would be condemning myself and her as well, but something in me wanted this. I knew I was going to text her my address and would possibly see here tonight, but I also knew this could be a way to be close to her. Maybe I would see how our night went, and maybe I could get her out of my system. I needed one more time with her, then I’d be free. Yeah right, who was I kidding? There’s no way that was going to happen.

  The list in my hand was about to get the brunt of my frustration when a light knock interrupted my moment.

  “Come in.”

  I wasn’t expecting anyone and figured it was a student coming by to start sucking up.

  “Mr. Mitchell?”

  A dark head peeked through the crack in the door and found me right away. “Yes?”

  “Oh, hi. My name is Molly. I’m your neighbor here.” She smiled and held out her hand, obviously wanting to do the whole introduction thing.

  “Right, Molly Blackwell, right?”

  I noticed a small blush rise in her cheeks and wasn’t in the mood for the flirting and awkwardness that was about to happen. “I’m so surprised you know my name. I have tried to find you, you know, so we could meet before classes started.”

  I smiled and stood to shake her hand. “Right, well it was nice to meet you, Molly. Come by anytime if you need anything.”

  If she needed anything, shit, I was the newbie. “You do the same. It was so nice meeting you.”

  She did a quick glance up and down my body, and I knew she’d be an easy lay for sure. But again, never mix sex with work. It always came back to bite you right in the ass.

  Molly gave me a small wave and left just as quickly as she’d entered.

  Chapter Eight


  Later that afternoon, I laced up my shoes for my daily run. The weather in Ohio was cooling down, and it was perfect running weather. I learned early on in life that running for me did more than any kind of drug or alcohol could possibly do. The high I experienced from running was the only thing in my life that kept me sane and grounded. I’d recently published a documentary about the real world of journalism and had garnered buzz in the writing world, but I needed a break. I also had a certain little blonde on my mind, and I might have done the stupidest thing in my life before I left the university.

  Dean Benton had stopped by my office to try to alleviate some of the stress from my TA predicament. He knew that I was unhappy, and when I glanced over at a large file that was handed to me at the end of the day, all I could think about was Nicole’s damn virgin cunt. She was messing with my mind, which was something I wasn’t used to. At all.

  Thinking back to that afternoon in my office had me wondering if I was completely losing it. I had fucked younger women, sure. But for some reason I was madder than hell that I hadn’t taken Nicole home with me that night. To have my way with her properly. To tie her innocent little wrists to my wrought-iron bed that was calling her name. To spread her virgin pussy and take my time to make sure I did it right.

  “I have a freshman in my morning journalism class that already impressed me within the first fifteen minutes of our lecture. Would you mind sending me her file? Her name is Nicole. Nicole Swanson.”

  Carl ran his rough hand down the side of his face and let out a long sigh. “Garren, you were right, we don’t usually let freshman be TAs here, but if she impressed you that much on the first day, then I’m going to trust your judgment. I’ll send over her file, and if it sparks an interest, you have my blessing to take her on as your TA.”

  I tried not to smile, I didn’t want him to know how happy this decision was making me.

  Fuck. What was I getting myself into? So much for waiting.

  When I returned home I took a quick, cold shower, which did nothing for my erect cock. Just thinking of her name made my dick spring to life. I knew I had to do something to relieve my massive hard-on before I saw her again. I pulled my sweatpants down, freeing my very stiff cock. Fuck, he was just as obsessed as I was. Calling Ms. Molly from school was sounding like a much better option, but I knew I’d never be able to follow through with that idea. I could text Nicole to forget about our little meeting, but that was almost a worse idea than picking Nicole as my TA. Almost.

  I closed my eyes and pictured Nicole’s perfect tits bouncing as I thrust into her untouched body. She was fucking divine. The relief of pressure I felt when I started to slowly stroke my dick was so needed that it only took a few pumps before I was ejaculating into a tissue I’d had lying on my bathroom counter.

  I knew that I shouldn’t have texted Nicole my address and that I shouldn’t have chosen her as my TA, but I also knew that I wasn’t done with her. Not even close.

  Chapter Nine


  “Nineteen Brier Road.” I read the address aloud one more time before stepping out of the taxi and waving off my not-so-happy driver. I had no idea that Mr. Mitchell lived out of the city. I also didn’t have enough money to pay the cabbie, but I convinced him that I’d remember his cab number and repay him somehow. For some lucky reason he trusted me, which he had every reason to. I was always true to my word.

  I took a deep breath in and ran my fingers through my long, golden hair. Lexi freaked the frick out when I told her about Mr. Mitchell. I almost thought about keeping him a secret, but I knew that wouldn’t last long. She insisted I meet with him again, even if just to clear the air, so to speak. What I didn’t want was to be wearing this damn miniskirt that she talked me into. What the hell was I thinking? Granted, I was wearing a killer pair of over-the-knee boots she let me borrow, but I didn’t quite come dressed for a ‘let’s get this conversation over with’ meeting.

  Letting out a small breath didn’t help when I made it to the door. Thoughts of running away from Mr. Mitchell sounded appealing, but I knew that I needed to get this conversation over with. I needed his class, and I wasn’t willing to drop it. We had to come up with some kind of agreement.

  A few knocks later and I heard some rustling sounds on the other side of the door. Shit, I hoped I had the right address.

  When Mr. Mitchell opened his front door, I wasn’t expecting to see him pulling a T-shirt over his head, obviously fresh out of the shower.

  My body came alive, and all I could think about was how much I’d missed out during our romp in the closet. I didn’t get to see his naked body. I didn’t get to see the chiseled chest that I just barely got a glimpse of. My lady parts were in full-on protest mode because of my rash decision.

  “Nicole, you found it okay. I didn’t even think about you not owning your own vehicle. I should have met you somewhere closer.” Not knowing what to say, I just went with a smile and did my best not to be affected by how hot Garren looked at that very moment. “Anyway, come in.”

  I could smell his body wash, and it was everything a woman looked for in a smell. Woodsy, manly, sexy. “Thanks, and really, it wasn’t a big deal.”

  I wondered what he thought of my outfit, if I did anything for him. I assumed when he figured out how old I was, nothing about me was appealing to him anymore. He’d obviously already had my body, so in a guy’s world, I was old news, but I couldn’t help the feeling of wanting to be sexy for him.

  “Did you know that I was your professor?”

  His abrupt question threw me off guard, and I knew I looked like a little kid who had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Know he was my professor? How could he even think that? “Of course not. I didn’t even know your last name.”

  Garren didn’t respond, but instead he indicated to me that he wanted my jacket. When I slipped it off my shoulders, I noticed his eyes flared when he caught a
glimpse of my outfit. Maybe he did like what he was seeing.

  “I had to ask. Come into the living room, we obviously need to talk.”

  * * *

  As I looked around Garren’s lovely living room, I wondered to myself if this was his place or if he was just renting it. I’d heard a few rumors about the hot new journalism professor, and by the sounds of it, he wasn’t going to be here for very long.

  “Care for a glass of wine?”

  I nodded and wondered if he knew if I was only eighteen years old, but I didn’t mention it because that was the last thing I wanted to bring up. I just needed to know we were okay and on the same page about our recent hook-up, and that we didn’t need to be awkward around each other.

  A few minutes later Garren was handing me a glass of red wine and had us sitting by each other next to a large fireplace. “You have a really nice home. Is this yours?”

  Garren shook his head while taking a sip from his glass. I took in his features, illuminated by the flickering fire, and I decided he was the most handsome man that I’d ever seen in person. “I’m actually renting it from a close friend who’s in Paris for the next nine months. The timing worked out perfectly.”

  “It did.” I smiled and took too big of a gulp from my glass and looked like a fool while hacking and coughing up my right lung.

  “You okay over there?”

  I coughed a few more times and waved off Garren, trying to compose myself. “I’m good. So, should we just get this over with or what?”

  Garren chuckled but just continued sipping his wine like he didn’t have a care in the world. “Get what over with, Nicole?”

  “Okay, I guess I’ll go first.” I might have cleared my throat more dramatically than I’d intended. “I didn’t know you were my professor. My roommate, Lexi, had talked me into going out to blow off some steam the night I met you. As you know, I wasn’t experienced in, well, um… sex.” I could feel my blush rise in my cheeks, and I noticed the amused expression dancing across Garren’s face. “God, this is embarrassing.”

  Garren stood and grabbed my wineglass out of my hand, setting it gently on the glass table beside me. “I know this isn’t what either one of us was expecting after our random romp at the nightclub, but don’t be embarrassed about your, let’s say, performance. It was spectacular.”

  I could feel my cheeks get warmer by the second, but then I also remembered that he had ditched his date for our moment together. “I guess I’m not that embarrassed about our time together, just the fact that I was a virgin. And the fact that you were on a date.”

  My tone was drenched in jealousy, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t get the thought out of my mind that he had gone home that night with another woman, probably his girlfriend, right after we’d had sex. It made me sick.

  “Nicole, she wasn’t my date or my girlfriend. I didn’t even go home with her that night. All I could think about was you and your damn virgin cunt.” He lifted my chin and made our eyes meet. I could see the desire pool in his eyes, which made me very confused.

  “She wasn’t? And you did?”

  Garren snaked his fingers around my shoulders. “Yes, I did. I also thought to myself how stupid I was that I didn’t bring you here with me. To my home, my bed. That I didn’t take my time with your body the way I should have. That I didn’t get to make you scream and pump you so full of my cock that you wouldn’t have been able to walk right for days. That’s what I’ve been thinking about, and then to see you in my class? I haven’t been able to get your perfect, pink, little pussy out of my mind all day.”

  The gasp that left me made Garren smile. I wasn’t expecting any of that to come out of his mouth. I was truly expecting him to tell me that I needed to transfer to another class. “You have?”

  “You haven’t?”

  The words I wanted to say wouldn’t make their way out, so I decided to go with the truth. Why not? “I’ve thought about you, too. I wanted to kick myself for not being able to see all of you that night. I do wish my first time lasted longer. Well, not in that way. Just that I wish we would have, you know.” I covered my face with my hands and decided I wanted to disappear at that very moment. I sounded like a blubbering idiot. Not the girl who scored a near perfect score on her SAT. That girl needed to come out anytime now.

  Garren dropped his hands from my shoulders and stepped away from me. I’d blown everything. I now needed to look for a new class to take and to explain to my parents that journalism just wasn’t going to work out.

  “Look at me, Nicole.” And look at him I did. I didn’t know much about Garren Mitchell, but one thing was for certain. He. Was. Gorgeous. “I don’t know what this attraction to you is all about. I don’t know if you’re a shiny new toy or what, but I want to make a, shall we say, proposition?”

  Well, that piqued my interest. “Okay,” I said hesitantly. I wasn’t quite sure where this was going, but I was intrigued by the tone of his voice.

  “I know you’re my student now, but I also know I’m not sure I’ll make it through the semester if I don’t act on this curiosity. I invited you over here for one thing, and I’d really like that one thing to happen. After this night, we will never speak as lovers again. I’ll be your professor and you’ll be my student.”

  I looked into Mr. Mitchell’s cloudy green eyes and let little innocent Nikki go. I wanted this—him—so bad I could taste it. One night really couldn’t do any more damage. “Okay, I want that, too.”

  “Fuck yes.” And before I could move, Mr. Mitchell had his hands on my face, bringing my lips to his. “I can’t stare at this mouth any longer.”

  When his lips brushed against mine, everything in my mind exploded. I could feel my blood start to pump quickly through my veins, and the desire that was pooling in between my legs was almost painful.

  Garren slid his tongue into my mouth, parting my lips. I had kissed boys before, but none of them compared to this. Garren’s confidence oozed out of him, making it contagious. I decided right then and there if I was going to take this one night from him, I’d better make it amazing. Inexperienced Nikki was dead, and sexy, seductive Nicole was here to stay.

  Chapter Ten


  Fucking Goddamn. This girl in front of me was everything a man looked for in a woman. Beautiful, ripe, touched only by me. I knew I was going to hell, but it would be one hell of a ride.

  “Upstairs. Now.” I broke apart from our kiss, the same kiss and feelings that I’d experienced with Nicole almost a week ago.

  I also couldn’t wait any longer. I needed her naked in my bed.

  When we finally made it up the stairs and through my bedroom door, I closed the door behind us and drank her in. “You should have known better. Being dressed like that was only going to end in one way.”

  Hearing Nicole’s quick inhalation had my blood flowing straight to my dick. So young, so naïve.

  “Come here.”

  Nicole took a few steps toward me and started to unbutton her tight shirt.

  “Yes, that’s it. Take it off. I want to see if those tits are everything I remembered.”

  She was almost finished with her last button when I couldn’t take anymore and pushed her shirt off her shoulders. The red lacy bra told me everything I needed to know. Nicole may have appeared to be innocent, but she knew exactly what she was walking into.

  Reaching over to her creamy, white chest, I delicately stroked my finger between her double-Ds. Down the divide between her exquisite breasts. “You have one of the most amazing racks I’ve ever seen. Do you know that?”

  Nicole shook her head but about made me nut in my pants when she took in her bottom lip between her teeth. “No one has ever talked to me like this before.”

  I pulled one of her bra cups aside, exposing her perfect, pink nipple. “Tell me Nicole, do you trust me?”

  When I looked down into Nicole’s baby blue eyes, all I could see was desire. This night was going to be one for the books.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Yes, you do?”

  “Yes, Mr. Mitchell.”

  I had to close my eyes and take in all the feelings this girl was bringing out. I was ready for this, for this one night. I just hoped that I would be able to get enough.

  “Get over to the bed and take off your bra.”

  Nicole didn’t falter even for a second, and when I watched her crimson bra fall to the floor, my dick twitched with excitement. “Now sit on the edge of my bed.”

  I walked over and leaned down to her perky tits, sucking one of her nipples hard into my mouth.

  The moan that escaped Nicole almost undid me, but I was not going to blow this. “Fuck me, I could do this all night.”

  Taking my time, I sucked and pulled her delicate peak into my mouth. I also could feel her squirm below me, knowing exactly what she wanted. “Don’t touch yourself. It’s only for me right now.”

  I felt her head nod and worked my way over to her other breast. I was a tit man, plain and simple, and Nicole’s were a fucking ten.

  After a few more seconds of playing, I pulled back and looked at my gorgeous girl before me. “You’re beautiful.”

  I could see the blush rise in Nicole’s cheeks, and that turned me on even more. If that was humanly possible. “Now, spread your legs.”

  Nicole listened to my command and pulled her legs completely apart. When I caught a glimpse of a small, red piece of material, I made my move.

  I ran my finger up the smooth skin of her thigh. “Your skin is pure silk. I’m going to taste you now. Has a man ever done this to you before?”

  “No.” Her response was so quiet that I could barely hear her.

  “Say it louder, Nicole.”

  “No, Mr. Mitchell. No one has ever, um, gone down on me before.”